My family transferred our parish membership last year. We have been attending a new church and, while we miss our "home" church, we love it. It feels like home to us as well and we have grown to really love the young families that attend there. I have found an amazing kinship with many of the women who share the struggles of being a mommy and wife, and just the day to day responsibilities that are all part of
everyday life.
One of these beautiful families has become extra special
to my heart. This amazing couple are the parents to three beautiful
little girls and one little boy who lives in Heaven. I had the
opportunity to photograph them at our family farm a few weeks ago and I
have to tell you, they have something special, this little family. Their
love for one another is almost tangible. I could feel it, see it, and
sometimes...I believed I could almost touch it.
These girls all have very different personalities but they share a few traits as well. A gentle sweetness, a ready smile, and a quiet inner joy that I have recognized in their mom from as far back as our junior high days. And even more fortunate, these girls have an amazing guardian angel. Their big brother watches over them from Heaven. I can only imagine how protective he is.
The oldest. Smart, sporty, and a little shy. This toothless wonder just happens to be my little guy's big crush. They have been "exclusive" since halfway through kindergarten year and my little E Man can't say her name without it coming out a little sing song-ish. She seems like an old soul to me.
The second born. Quiet. Reserved. Watchful. A little more serious. She didn't chase her sisters or jump at the chance to dog pile them. She is witty. Smart. And her dark eyes stole my heart.
The baby. Oh, she's a charmer. Those big blue eyes. Swoon! She has an infectious giggle. She's the first to run, jump, play. She was a talker and when she smiled, I smiled.
This mama is strong! She's got a mother's heart for sure! Protective, careful, guarded when it comes to her kiddo's but fiercely proud. And not just the children born to her. She's a teacher and it's obvious she loves all her kids. She has endured tragedy but carries herself with grace and poise. She has determination and strength I can only imagine...She decided to take her health into her own hands and OWNED it! She just ran her first 10K marathon! Wow!
And this guy...well this guy was meant to be the dad of little GIRLS! When we changed into our tutus for the last part of our session, I looked over to see this guy pulling on bloomers, attaching bows, and fastening necklaces. Farmer by day, superhero dad by night. I have one of these guys in my life too and I have to say, let's hear it for the dads who don't run screaming from lace, ruffles and frilly frocks.
Being a mom myself, I don't doubt for a moment that they probably have their screaming matches and all out fist fights but I believe these three are going to be best friends as adults and I love that their parents are instilling real values and a love of family in their little girl hearts.
The sassy poses were as natural to them as the sweet. Which makes me believe their daddy may have his hands full down the road...
But something tells me...he can handle it!
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